4th AGW 2023

4th International Afrikaans Grammar Workshop (AGW 2023) 

27-28 November 2023 | Muldersdrift, South Africa



Of the 18 papers delivered, eight papers were included as full papers in the peer-reviewed conference proceedings. Each article was reviewed by two anonymous reviewers and can be downloaded individually below.



Van die algehele 18 aanbiedings, is agt van die aanbiedings tot vollengte artikels verwerk en in die ewekniebeoordeelde konferensiepublikasie opgeneem. Elke artikel is deur twee anonieme keurders beoordeel en kan hier onder afsonderlik afgelaai word.


Editorial pages


Analysing Afrikaans lexical blends using Levenshtein distances

Benito Trollip, Trudie Strauus


Afrikaans epithetical, suffixoidal, metonymic, exocentric attributive compounds

Gerhard B van Huyssteen


Afrikaans in a quantitative typology of Germanic standard and non-standard varieties

Simon Pröll, Thilo Weber


Timing differences in the acquisition of geen in Afrikaans and Dutch: an exploratory corpus-based study

Theresa Biberauer, Marie-Louise van Heukelum


A corpus-based exploration of conditional markers in Afrikaans 

Lande Botha, Karien van den Berg


A categorisation of non-clauses in Afrikaans

Adri Breed, Nadine Fouché Karsten, Suléne Pilon, Roné Wierenga


Dat ek so onnosel kon wees! An insubordination typology for Afrikaans

Peter Dirix


Postpositions take centre stage: What can we learn about Afrikaans postpositions from descriptions in Dutch and English?

Suléne Pilon, Lande Botha, Maristi Partridge, Adri Breed, Anneke Butler, Monique Rabé, Gerhard B van Huyssteen




Afrikaans Grammar: Descriptive and Theoretical Perspectives | Gauteng, South Africa



The fourth instalment of the biannual Afrikaans Grammar Workshop (AGW) will be hosted by the North-West University, South Africa. This follows on highly successful previous editions in Johannesburg (2016), Ghent (2018), and Amsterdam (2021). Like the previous workshop, this one will be a hybrid event: online, and at the 26 Degrees South Hotel in Muldersdrift, Gauteng, South Africa.

The workshop aims to bring together researchers from different theoretical and methodological perspectives who study Afrikaans grammar. We welcome contributions on any aspect of Afrikaans grammar, including lexicology, orthography, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Papers that compare Afrikaans grammar with other West-Germanic or unrelated languages’ grammar are also welcomed, as are papers on the diachronic development of Afrikaans grammar, the role of language contact on the grammar, and current grammatical variation.

We are honoured to also announce our two keynote speakers:

  • Frank Hendricks (University of the Western Cape)
  • Timothy Colleman (Ghent University)

Like in the past, the language medium of AGW will be English. More information about the conference venue, costs, and other logistics will be published from June 2023 onwards.

This year’s AGW will introduce two new innovations:

  1. Peer-reviewed conference proceedings: In addition to “abstract only” presentations, we will offer authors the additional option to submit their papers for publication in the digital conference proceedings. The proceedings will be double-blind peer-reviewed, will have an ISBN, and will be published on the AGW’s web page. See information on important dates below.
  2. Ideas session: Scholars and students who want to share new ideas (e.g., about their project), new data, or negative results, will have the opportunity to share ideas pertaining to their research during a 10-minute idea session. This is a valuable opportunity for emerging and established researchers to test new ideas with other scholars in the field, seek opportunities for collaboration, etc.

We invite researchers at all stages of their careers, including (graduate) students, to submit proposals in one of the following categories:


 Abstract?        Published?        Presentation?       

 Full paper

 Yes        Yes         20 minutes


 Yes        No  20 minutes

 Short paper

 Yes        No  10 minutes




Die vierde aflewering van die tweejaarlikse Afrikaansgrammatikawerkwinkel word vanjaar deur die Noordwes-Universiteit, Suid-Afrika, aangebied. Dit volg op hoogs suksesvolle vorige werkwinkels in Johannesburg (2016), Gent (2018) en Amsterdam (2021). Soos die vorige werkwinkel, sal hierdie een 'n hibriede geleentheid wees: Werkwinkeldeelnemers sal aanlyn of in persona by 26 Degrees South Hotel in Muldersdrift, Gauteng, Suid-Afrika, hul referate kan lewer.

Die werkwinkel het ten doel om navorsers wat Afrikaanse grammatika vanuit verskillende teoretiese en metodologiese perspektiewe bestudeer, bymekaar te bring. Ons verwelkom bydraes oor enige aspek van die Afrikaanse grammatika, insluitend leksikologie, ortografie, fonologie, morfologie, sintaksis, semantiek en pragmatiek. Referate wat die Afrikaanse grammatika met ander Wes-Germaanse of onverwante tale se grammatikas vergelyk, word ook verwelkom, asook referate oor die diachroniese ontwikkeling van Afrikaanse grammatika, die rol van taalkontak op die grammatika en hedendaagse grammatikale variasie.
Ons is ook bevoorreg om ons twee hoofsprekers aan te kondig:
  • Frank Hendricks (Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland)
  • Timothy Colleman (Universiteit Gent)

Soos in die verlede word alle aanbiedings in Engels gelewer. Meer besonderhede oor die venue, kostes en ander logistieke reëlings sal vanaf Junie 2023 op die AGW-webblad beskikbaar gestel word.

Vanjaar se AGW stel twee nuwe innovasies bekend:

  1. Ewekniebeoordeelde konferensiepublikasie: Deelnemers het die opsie om óf slegs ʼn referaat te kom lewer, óf hulle kan ook hul referaat verwerk na ʼn vollengte artikel vir die digitale konferensiepublikasie. Elke artikel wat vir die konferensiepublikasie voorgelê word, sal deur twee anonieme beoordelaars beoordeel word en ook ʼn ISBN-nommer kry. Dit sal mettertyd op die AGW-webblad beskikbaar gestel word. Kyk ook die afdeling oor belangrike datums hier onder.
  2. Ideesessie: Studente en navorsers wat nuwe idees met betrekking tot hul navorsingsprojekte of data wil deel, sal die geleentheid hê om dit tydens ʼn 10-minuutideesessie (met genoegsame besprekingstyd) te doen. Dit is ʼn waardevolle geleentheid vir beide ontluikende en gevestigde navorsers om nuwe idees aan die gehoor te toets, samewerkingsgeleenthede te soek, ens.

Ons nooi navorsers in alle stadiums van hul loopbane, insluitend (nagraadse) studente, uit om opsommings vir een van die volgende kategorieë in te dien:


 Opsomming?        Gepubliseer?        Aanbieding?       

 Referaat en artikel

 Ja  Ja  20 minute

 Gewone referaat

 Ja  Nee  20 minute


 Ja  Nee  10 minute











  Opening and welcoming / Opening en verwelkoming

Session/Sessie 1 [Nina Brink]


  Keynote address / Hoofsprekerreferaat

  Frank Hendricks (University of the Western Cape / Universiteit van Wes-Kaapland)


  Coffee/tea / Koffie/tee

Session/Sessie 2 [Anneke Butler]


  Regional and socioethnic variation in the Afrikaans vowel system


  Analysing Afrikaans lexical blends using Levenshtein distances


  Afrikaans epithetical exocentric compounds



Session/Sessie 3 [Marie-Louise van Heukelum]


  Using Afrikaans progressive constructions to convey unconventionality


  Afrikaans met and van prepositional constructions expressing fear and loneliness


  Skreeu van blydskap of het uitschreeuwen van blijdschap: An exploratory study on the use of emotion words in the VP of NP            EMOTIVE construction in Afrikaans and Dutch


  Coffee/tea / Koffie/tee

Session/Sessie 4 [Nadine Fouché-Karsten]


  The semantic role of eintlik ‘actually’ in modal claims: What does eintlik actually do?

  18:00 for/vir 18:30

  Conference dinner (for everyone) / Konferensiedinee (vir almal)           



  Breakfast (for hotel guests) and coffee/tea (for everyone) / Ontbyt (vir hotelgaste) en koffie/tee (vir almal)

Session/Sessie 1 [Monique Rabé]


  Keynote address / Hoofsprekerreferaat

  Timothy Colleman (Ghent University / Universiteit Gent)


Session/Sessie 2 [Astrid de Wit]


  Afrikaans in a quantitative microtypology of Germanic standard and non-standard varieties


  Standard Average European: Anticausative prominence in Dutch and Afrikaans


  Adjectival intensification in Afrikaans from a West Germanic perspective


  Coffee/tea / Koffie/tee

Session/Sessie 3 [Roné Wierenga]


  Timing differences in the acquisition of geen in Afrikaans and Dutch: A corpus-based study


   A closer look at moenie and moet+nie in imperative and declarative constructions


  A corpus-based exploration of conditional markers in Afrikaans: as, indien, sou



Session/Sessie 4 [Benito Trollip]


  A categorisation of non-clauses in Afrikaans


  Hoe hy na jou gekyk het: Further investigations on insubordination in Afrikaans


  Postpositions take centre stage: What can we learn about Afrikaans postpositions from descriptions in Dutch and English?






Gent University

Argument structure alternations in Afrikaans as compared to Dutch and English: Macro-, meso-, and micro-level differences 

Argument structure alternations – i.e. when sets of verbs systematically occur in two (or more) syntactic frames – have been a key area of investigation in grammatical theory for over 50 years now (see, e.g., Levin 2015). In cognitive and functionalist approaches, there are at least two main reasons why they have been singled out for investigation. First, they provide a unique insight into the relation between grammar and meaning, i.e., they illustrate how different constructions can be used for encoding the same scene in subtly different ways (cf. the notion of “construal”, see, e.g., Langacker 2019). Second, quantitative investigations of the formal, semantic, discourse-pragmatic, etc. variables co-determining speakers’ choices between pairs of near-synonymous constructions in real language use have furnished evidence for the probabilistic nature of grammatical knowledge (see, e.g., Grafmiller et al. 2018).  
In this talk, I will discuss a number of different argument structure alternations in present-day Afrikaans against the background of similar alternations in Dutch and English. I will illustrate differences at three levels, and discuss their potential theoretical relevance. 

  • macro-level differences, i.e. where Afrikaans has an alternation that does not occur in Dutch and/or English, or vice versa;
  • meso-level differences, i.e. where Afrikaans has an alternation that occurs in Dutch and/or English, too, but where, e.g., the formal properties of the alternating constructions differ;
  • micro-level differences, i.e. where Afrikaans displays an alternation that occurs in Dutch and/or English, too, and where the alternating constructions are relevantly equivalent formally and semantically, but where, e.g., the sets of alternating verbs differ, or where the alternation does not seem to be driven by exactly the same factors. 

Alternations discussed include the well-known dative alternation (Jan het my ‘n boek gegee vs. Jan het ‘n boek aan my gegee) as well as phenomena such as the three-way krioel-alternation in (1) or the alternation between the Afrikaans way-construction in (2a) and its intransitive-motion equivalent in (2b) (in a context where Dutch would rather use a reflexive construction, cf. Verhagen 2002).


  1. Polisiemanne met sambokke krioel nou op die skoolterrein.
  2. Die vlakte om ons krioel van blouwildebeeste . 
  3. Op die bodem krioel dit van alle moontlike soorte gedrogte. 


  1.  … want die sonbesie het reeds sy pad deur die kokon gevreet en weggevlieg . 
  2. Jong herfskommandowurm-larwes verwyder die boonste laag van die blaar en vreet daarna deur die blare. 

(examples from VivA-Korpusportaal)



University of the Western Cape

Prolepsis in Afrikaans: a three-dimensional approach

Prolepsis, also known as “hervatting” (“resumption”), “left dislocation” and "reinforcement", is a syntactic phenomenon, or process, whereby an element in the input position of a syntactic construction is mostly prosodically isolated (but not necessarily) and resumed by means of an anaphoric element that follows later in the construction. The proleptic construction (the resulting construction) is typically encoded as a sentence in which an anaphoric chain is established between the antecedent in the input position of the sentence and the resumptive element that is positioned either immediately after or further on in the sentence. The following sentences are therefore proleptic sentences, because anaphoric chains are established between Pollard and dié, between Mary and haar, between op ’n plaas in die Overberg and daar, and between winters and dan:

  1. Pollard, dié is ’n knap losskakel. 
  2. Mary, almal hou van haar.
  3. Op ’n plaas in die Overberg, dáár is hy gebore.
  4. Winters dan val die sneeu.

The input element (Pollard/Mary/Op ’n plaas in die Overberg/Winters) and its resumptive element (dié/haar/daar/dan) are called the PROLEPTIC ELEMENT (PE) and the PROLEPTIC ANAPHOR (PA) respectively.

Prolepsis is a universal language phenomenon that has been investigated from various theoretical perspectives to date. Frank Hendricks’ contribution to this workshop involves primarily a reflection on the grammatical nature of prolepsis, as manifested in the Afrikaans language. This reflection is based on the findings of his doctoral study, entitled PROLEPSIS IN AFRIKAANS, which was completed in 1988 (i.e. 45 years ago). As such, Hendricks’ contribution represents a revisit to, and at the same time an innovative interpretation of, the findings of his doctoral study.

The theoretical approach that is followed is primarily pragmatic (or contextual/functional), but also polylectic and panchronic (or synchronic-diachronic) - hence the typification "three-dimensional approach".

In accordance with the theoretical and methodological premises of this three-dimensional approach, the syntactic encoding and grammatical-semantic differentiation of prolepsis are explained in functional terms and, furthermore, light is shed on the historical roots of prolepsis and on its use in the register and user varieties of Afrikaans.

A variety of texts are used as a database. The text corpus comprises spontaneous (or unplanned) discourse types, including interviews and sports commentary; as well as non-spontaneous  (or planned) discourse types such as the following: published sermons (as representative of orations); selected passages from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible; journalistic texts, including reports, articles, columns and advertisements; literary texts, including poetry, prose and drama texts; and scientific expositions, including theological works, literary-critical essays and educational works.

Various aspects are discussed, including the following:

  1. The three types of proleptic constructions, namely those with topical, predicative and adverbial proleptic elements
  2. The variation regarding the elements used as proleptic anaphors in the three types of proleptic constructions
  3. The four types of proleptic mechanisms, namely (i) emphatic juxta positional resumption, (ii) left dislocation without anaphoric shift, (iii) proleptic clefting and (iv) non-emphatic juxta positional resumption.




Please use the following link to register for the conference: https://forms.office.com/r/mTYiBDksW0

The cut-off date for registration for delegates who wish to attend in person is 3 November 2023, and for those who wish to attend online, registration is available until 24 November 2023.



Gebruik asb. die volgende skakel om vir die konferensie te registreer: https://forms.office.com/r/mTYiBDksW0

Registrasie vir deelnemers wat in persona gaan bywoon, sluit 3 November 2023, en virtuele bywoners kan nog tot 24 November 2023 registreer.





28 & 28 NOVEMBER 2023



  • Authors/presenters in all three categories must submit an abstract.
  • The abstract should be between 300 and 500 words, excluding examples and references.
  • Please submit the abstract in Microsoft Word (or other compatible) format, with minimal formatting (i.e., avoid using your own styles).
  • All abstracts must be submitted online via EasyChair before 23:59 (SAST) on 15 June 2023. Use the following link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=agw2023
  • When submitting an abstract, you will have the opportunity to indicate for which category the submission is (i.e., full paper, paper, or short paper). You will also be required to provide additional metadata, like keywords.
  • Authors who wish to submit more than one abstract, should fill out a separate online submission form for each abstract.
  • All abstracts will be peer-reviewed, and the final selection will be made by the organising committee. Please do not include any reference to your name in the document that you upload, as the peer-review process will be done anonymously.

Full papers

  • Only authors who have indicated that they want to submit a full paper, and whose abstract has been accepted, will be required to submit a full paper.
  • The full paper should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words, including examples and references.
  • Further instructions, including a Microsoft Word template, will be provided to authors whose abstracts have been accepted 

Programme committee

  • Gerhard van Huyssteen (North-West University)
  • Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens Institute, the Netherlands)
  • Frans Hinskens (Meertens Institute, the Netherlands)
  • Timothy Colleman (Ghent University, Belgium)
  • Andries Coetzee (University of Michigan)

Contact details

  • Monique Rabé: Convenor – Local organising committee: Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees./ Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees.
  • Gerhard van Huyssteen: Convenor – Programme committee: Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees.
  • Adri Breed: Convenor – Editorial committee: Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees.





28 & 28 NOVEMBER 2023



  • Outeurs/aanbieders in al drie bostaande kategorieë moet ʼn opsomming indien.
  • Opsommings moet tussen 300 and 500 woorde wees, insluitend voorbeelde en bronverwysings.
  • Dien asseblief die opsomming in Microsoft Word (of ander versoenbare) formaat in, met minimale formatering (d.w.s. vermy die gebruik van jou eie styl).
  • Alle opsommings moet aanlyn via EasyChair ingedien word voor 23:59 (SAST) op 15 Junie 2023: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=agw2023
  • Wanneer jy die opsomming indien, sal daar van jou verwag word om aan te dui aan watter kategorie die opsomming behoort (d.i. referaat en artikel, gewone referaat of ideesessie). Daar sal ook van jou verwag word om bykomende metadata, soos trefwoorde, te verskaf.
  • Outeurs wat meer as een opsomming wil indien, moet asb. ʼn aparte aanlyn indieningsvorm vir elke opsomming voltooi.
  • Alle opsommings gaan deur ʼn ewekniebeoordelingsproses, en die finale besluit sal deur die organiseringskomitee geneem word. Moet asseblief nie enige verwysing na jou naam of ander persoonlike inligting in die dokument wat jy oplaai, insluit nie, aangesien die ewekniebeoordelingsproses anoniem geskied.

Vollengte artikels

  • Slegs outeurs wat aangedui het dat hulle ʼn vollengte artikel wil indien, en wie se opsomming aanvaar is, sal vereis word om ʼn vollengte artikel vir die publikasie in te dien.
  • Die vollengte artikel moet tussen 4 000 en 6 000 woorde wees, insluitend voorbeelde en bronverwysings.
  • Verdere instruksies, insluitend ʼn Microsoft Word-sjabloon, sal verskaf word aan outeurs wie se opsommings aanvaar is. 


  • Gerhard van Huyssteen (Noordwes-Universiteit)
  • Marc van Oostendorp (Meertens Instituut, Nederland)
  • Frans Hinskens (Meertens Instituut, Nederland)
  • Timothy Colleman (Universiteit Gent, België)
  • Andries Coetzee (Universiteit van Michigan)


  • Monique Rabé: Sameroeper – Plaaslike organiseringskomitee: Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees. / Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees.
  • Gerhard van Huyssteen: Sameroeper – Programkomitee: Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees.
  • Adri Breed: Sameroeper – Redaksionele komitee: Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees.





 Deadline (2023)

 Time (SAST)
 Full paper
 Paper  Short paper

  Abstract submission

15 June  23:59  Yes  Yes  Yes

  Notification of acceptance

 3 July     Yes  Yes  Yes

  Full paper submission

 18 September (extended)  23:59  Yes  No  No

  Feedback from peer-review

 16 Oktober    Yes  No  No

  Final paper submission

 20 November – 1 December         Yes  No  No


 27–28 November    Yes  Yes  Yes




 Sperdatum (2023)

 Tyd (SAST)
 Referaat en artikel
 Gewone referaat

 Indien van opsomming

 15 Junie  23:59  Ja  Ja  Ja

 Kennis van aanvaarding

 3 Julie    Ja  Ja  Ja

 Indien van vollengte artikel

 18 September (aangepas)  23:59  Ja  Nee  Nee

 Terugvoer van ewekniebeoordeling

 16 Oktober    Ja  Nee  Nee

 Indien van finale artikel

 20 November – 1 Desember        Ja  Nee  Nee


 27-28 November    Ja  Ja  Ja




Workshop fee

Registration will be free for all presenters with accepted abstracts and all attendees who wish to attend online. For presenters attending in person, this covers registration, lunches, and attendance at the conference dinner. (Please note that only individuals staying over at the conference venue will be able the attend conference dinner.) For individuals who only wish to attend in person but will not be presenting a paper, a workshop fee of R1 525 will cover attendance for both days.


If you wish to stay at the conference venue, you can book as soon as you get a notification of acceptance.

  • Email: Johanna Monama at Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees. / Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees.
  • Telephone: (010) 110 0802
  • Website: https://26dsouth.co.za/

When you book your stay, please indicate that you are attending the conference since special fees have been negotiated for delegates. Please note that all participants are responsible for their own accommodation costs.


  Photo: https://26dsouth.co.za/




Registrasie sal gratis wees vir alle aanbieders met aanvaarde opsommings en alle deelnemers wat aanlyn wil bywoon. Vir aanbieders wat in persona bywoon, dek dit registrasie, middagetes en bywoning van die dinee.(Neem asb. kennis dat slegs individue wat by die konferensievenue oornag, die dinee kan bywoon.) Vir individue wat in persona wil bywoon, maar nie ʼn referaat gaan lewer nie, sal ʼn werkwinkelfooi van R1 525 bywoning vir beide die dae dek.


Indien jy by die konferensievenue wil oornag, kan jy bespreek sodra jy ʼn kennisgewing van aanvaarding gekry het.

  • E-pos: Johanna Monama by Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees. / Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees.
  • Telefoonnommer: (010) 110 0802
  • Webtuiste: https://26dsouth.co.za/

Wanneer jy ʼn bespreking maak, dui asseblief aan dat jy die werkwinkel gaan bywoon, aangesien spesiale fooie in hierdie verband onderhandel is. Neem asb. kennis dat alle deelnemers verantwoordelik is vir hul eie verblyfkostes.

3rd AGW 2021

3rd International Afrikaans Grammar Workshop (AGW 2021) 

30 September - 1 Oktober, 2021 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands


  2 Meertens AGW2018 3 michigan AGW2018 4 VIVA AGW2018


Afrikaans Grammar: Descriptive and Theoretical Perspectives | Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The interest in the workshop has surpassed our expectations. We hope to see you at the next workshop in a year or two.



The first workshop took place in Johannesburg in August 2016. The second workshop took place in Belgium in October 2018 as part of the grammar component of the Ghent colloquium. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from varying theoretical and methodological perspectives who concern themselves with the study of Afrikaans grammar. We welcome contributions on any aspect of Afrikaans grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics), whether in comparison with Dutch, and/or other related or unrelated languages. Contributions on the history of Afrikaans grammar, the role of language contact, and/or current grammatical variation are also welcome. The workshop is organized in conjunction with the Virtual Institute for Afrikaans (VivA), the University of Michigan, and the Meertens Instituut. The working language of the workshop is English.


Die eerste werkwinkel is in Augustus 2016 in Johannesburg aangebied. Die tweede werkwinkel is in Oktober 2018 in België aangebied, as deel van die taalkundige komponent van die Gentse kollokium. Die oogmerk van die werkwinkel is om ondersoekers byeen te bring wat hulle vanuit verskillende teoretiese en metodologiese perspektiewe toespits die studie van die grammatika van Afrikaans. Ons verwelkom bydraes oor enige aspek van die Afrikaanse grammatika (fonologie, morfologie, sintaksis, semantiek, pragmatiek), hetsy in vergelyking met Nederlands en/of ander verwante of onverwante tale. Bydraes oor die geskiedenis van die Afrikaanse grammatika, die rol van taalkontak en/of hedendaagse grammatikale variasie is ook welkom. Die werkwinkel word aangebied in samewerking met die Virtuele Instituut vir Afrikaans (VivA), die University of Michigan en die Meertens Instituut. Die werkwinkel sal in Engels aangebied word.


2nd AGW 2018

2nd International Afrikaans Grammar Workshop (AGW 2018)
5-6 October, 2018 | Ghent, Belgium


1 Ghent AGW2018 2 Meertens AGW2018 3 michigan AGW2018 4 VIVA AGW2018


Afrikaans Grammar: Descriptive and Theoretical Perspectives | Ghent, Belgium


The interest in the workshop has surpassed our expectations. We hope to see you at the next workshop in a year or two.



The grammar component of the Ghent colloquium is also the second presentation of the Afrikaans Grammar Workshop. The first workshop took place in Johannesburg in August 2016. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from varying theoretical and methodological perspectives who concern themselves with the study of Afrikaans grammar. We welcome contributions on any aspect of Afrikaans grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics), whether in comparison with Dutch, and/or other related or unrelated languages. Contributions on the history of Afrikaans grammar, the role of language contact, and/or current grammatical variation are also welcome. The workshop is organized in conjunction with the Virtual Institute for Afrikaans (VivA), the University of Michigan, and the Meertens Instituut. Keynote speakers are Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge) and Bertus Van Rooy (NWU). The working language of the workshop is English.


Die taalkundige komponent van die Gentse kollokwium is ook die tweede aanbieding van die Afrikaans Grammar Workshop. Die eerste werkwinkel is in Augustus 2016 in Johannesburg aangebied. Die oogmerk van die werkwinkel is om ondersoekers byeen te bring wat hulle vanuit verskillende teoretiese en metodologiese perspektiewe toespits die studie van die grammatika van Afrikaans. Ons verwelkom bydraes oor enige aspek van die Afrikaanse grammatika (fonologie, morfologie, sintaksis, semantiek, pragmatiek), hetsy in vergelyking met Nederlands en/of ander verwante of onverwante tale. Bydraes oor die geskiedenis van die Afrikaanse grammatika, die rol van taalkontak en/of hedendaagse grammatikale variasie is ook welkom. Die werkwinkel word aangebied in samewerking met die Virtuele Instituut vir Afrikaans (VivA), die University of Michigan en die Meertens Instituut. Die hoofsprekers is Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge) en Bertus Van Rooy (NWU). Die werkwinkel sal in Engels aangebied word.




Thursday 4 October 2018

Faculty Hall: Humanities, Ghent University, Blandijnberg 2, Ghent

Time Activity Speaker
15:00 Afrikaans - enkele taaldebatspunte / Afrikaans – a few points to ponder

Address by the holder of the chair "Zuid-Afrika:Talen, Literaturen, Cultuur en Maatschappij": Wannie Carstens (North-West University)

16:00 Reception hosted by the Faculty of Humanities  
18:00 Guided tour through Ghent led by Jacques Van Keymeulen  

Friday 5 October 2018

Hall: Rector Vermeylen & Priorzaal, Het Pand, Ghent University, Onderbergen 1, Ghent

Time Activity Speaker
09:00 Registration and coffee  
09:30 Opening Prof. Timothy Colleman and Prof. Yves T’Sjoen
09:40 Keynote address Prof. Bertus van Rooy (North-West University)
Session 1 (Rector Vermeylen Hall)
10:30 The interface of polarity, multiple negation and litotes in Afrikaans adjectives - some observations Ernst Kotze & Adri Breed
  Future reference: some comparisons between different registers of Afrikaans  Johanita Kirsten
  Grammatical change in the written Afrikaans of teenagers Donovan Lawrence
  Grammatical change in the written Afrikaans of teenagers Dario Rens
12:30 Lunch  
13:30 Keynote address Prof. Louise Viljoen (Stellenbosch University)
Session 2 (Rector Vermeylen Hall)
14:30 Anticipatory nasalization in two varieties of Afrikaans Andries W. Coetzee, Patrice Speeter Beddor, Ian Bekker, Will Styler & Daan Wissing
  Afrikaans tonic schwa. Many questions, few answers Frans Hinskens & Marc van Oostendorp
  Aspects of the phonetics and phonology of Patagonian Afrikaans Andries W. Coetzee, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Nicholas Henriksen & Daan Wissing
16:00 Coffee  
Session 3 (Rector Vermeylen Hall)
16:30 Grammatography: Inventorying historical Afrikaans grammars Benito Trollip
  Semantic change in overlapping Afrikaans modal auxiliaries Cecilia Erasmus
  The temporal sources of Afrikaans modal particles Jac Conradie
Session 3 (Priorzaal)
16:30 The Influence of Afrikaans on Namibian German in Computer-Mediated Communication Henning Radke
  The semantics of double adpositions in Afrikaans: A corpus-based study Timothy Colleman
18:00 Wie is Kees Fens? Uitdagings wat die Nederlandstalige digkuns aan die Afrikaanse vertaler stel Guest lecture by translator Daniel Hugo
19:30 Conference dinner  

Programme Saturday 6 October 2018

Hall Rector Vermeylen & Priorzaal, Het Pand, Ghent University, Onderbergen 1, Ghent

Time Activity Speaker
09:00 Registration and coffee  
09:30 Keynote address Prof. Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge University)
Session 4 (Rector Vermeylen Hall)
10:30 Being progressive and evaluative: Comparing Afrikaans and Dutch progressive verb clusters Cora Pots & Katherine Fraser
  Moet dit nie breek nie! On verb cluster interruption in Afrikaans Liesbeth Augustinus & Peter Dirix
  A-typical 2-3-1 orders in Afrikaans and Flemish: a learnability perspective Jacqueline Van Kampen
  Try to account for this: The probeer/proberen construction continuum in Afrikaans and Dutch Cora Pots & Liesbeth Augustinus
12:30 Lunch  
13:30 Keynote address Bettina Wijngaard
Session 5 (Rector Vermeylen Hall)
14:30 When a word is hated (for the wrong reasons) Gerhard van Huyssteen
  Adjectival/adverbial intensification constructions in Afrikaans, Dutch and German Benito Trollip & Ton van der Wouden
  The holophrastic structure of Afrikaans-speaking children’s first lexical items Nina Brink
16:00 Coffee  
Session 6 (Rector Vermeylen Hall)
16:30 The passive as an impersonalization strategy in Afrikaans Adri Breed & Daniel van Olmen
  A corpus-based investigation of human impersonal pronouns in Afrikaans Gonneke Groenen
  The Computational Modelling of Afrikaans Negation in GF Laurette Pretorius & Laurette Marais
18:00 Closing reception  

Call for papers

5 & 6 OCTOBER 2018


During the international conference, organized by the Ghent Centre for Afrikaans and the study of South Africa, there will be two separate branches of inquiry, as set out in the following summary. The two branches will be offered as parallel sessions during the colloquium, and both will cover the innovative research done, inter alia, at the Ghent University.

The keynote speakers are Prof Dr Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge University), Prof Dr Bertus Van Rooy (North-West University) and Prof Dr Louise Viljoen (Stellenbosch University).

Participants were invited to submit abstracts (in Afrikaans, Dutch or English) and the following papers were accepted:

Authors Affiliation(s) Title
Gerhard B van Huyssteen North-West University, Potchefstroom When a word is hated (for the wrong reasons)
Nina Brink North-West University Holophrastic structure of Afrikaans speaking children's first lexical items
Timothy Colleman Ghent University On fake object constructions in Dutch and Afrikaans
Gonneke Groenen North-West University Corpus-based research on the human inpersonal pronouns in Afrikaans: jy and hulle.
Andries W. Coetzee, Patrice Speeter Beddor, Ian Bekker, Will Styler & Daan Wissing University of Michigan & North-West University Anticipatory nasalization in two varieties of Afrikaans
Frans Hinskens & Marc van Oostendorp Meertens Institute & VU Amsterdam/Meertens Institute & Radboud University Afrikaans tonic schwa. Many questions, few answers
Adri Breed & Daniël van Olmen North-West University & Lancaster University The passive as an impersonalisation strategy in Afrikaans
Ernst Kotzé & Adri Breed Nelson Mandela University & North-West University The interface of polarity, multiple negation and litotes in Afrikaans adjectives - some observations
Henning Radke Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam The Influence of Afrikaans on Namibian German in Computer-Mediated Communication
Dario Rens Universiteit Gent The optional use of ‘objective vir’ in informal Afrikaans
Laurette Pretorius & Laurette Marais UNISA The Computational Modelling of Afrikaans Negation in GF
Cecilia Erasmus North-West University Semantic change in overlapping Afrikaans modal auxiliaries
Jac Conradie Universiteit van Johannesburg The temporal sources of Afrikaans modal particles
Donovan C Lawrence University of the Western Cape Grammatical change in the written Afrikaans of teenagers
Andries W. Coetzee, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Nicholas Henriksen & Daan Wissing University of Michigan & North-West University Aspects of the phonetics and phonology of Patagonian Afrikaans
Cora Pots & Katherine Fraser KULeuven & University of the Basque Country Being progressive and evaluative: Comparing Afrikaans and Dutch progressive verb clusters
Benito Trollip & Ton van der Wouden North-West University, Potchefstroom & Meertens Institute, Amsterdam Adjectival/adverbial intensification constructions in Afrikaans, Dutch and German
Cora Pots & Liesbeth Augustinus KULeuven Try to account for this: The probeer/proberen construction continuum in Afrikaans and Dutch
Jacqueline van Kampen Utrecht University A-typical 2-3-1 orders in Afrikaans and Flemish: a learnability perspective
Benito Trollip North-West University Grammatography: Inventorying historical Afrikaans grammars
Liesbeth Augustinus & Peter Dirix KULeuven Moet dit nie breek nie! On verb cluster interruption in Afrikaans
Johanita Kirsten North-West University, Potchefstroom Future reference: some comparisons between different registers of Afrikaans


Oproep om referate

5 & 6 OKTOBER 2018


Tydens die internasionale kongres, wat deur die Gents Centrum voor het Afrikaans en de Studie van Zuid-Afrika gereël word, sal twee aparte ondersoekrigtings nagespeur word, soos hieronder in die opsomming uiteengesit. Die twee rigtings sal tydens die kollokwium parallel loop, en albei dek die innoverende navorsingswerk waarmee daar onder andere aan die Universiteit Gent gewoeker word.

Die hoofsprekers is prof. dr. Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge University), prof. dr. Bertus Van Rooy (Noordwes-Universiteit) en prof. dr. Louise Viljoen (Stellenbosch Universiteit).

Deelnemers was uitgenooi om opsommings (in Afrikaans, Nederlands of Engels) in te dien. Die volgende referate is aanvaar:

Authors Affiliation(s) Title
Gerhard B van Huyssteen North-West University, Potchefstroom When a word is hated (for the wrong reasons)
Nina Brink North-West University Holophrastic structure of Afrikaans speaking children's first lexical items
Timothy Colleman Ghent University On fake object constructions in Dutch and Afrikaans
Gonneke Groenen North-West University Corpus-based research on the human inpersonal pronouns in Afrikaans: jy and hulle.
Andries W. Coetzee, Patrice Speeter Beddor, Ian Bekker, Will Styler & Daan Wissing University of Michigan & North-West University Anticipatory nasalization in two varieties of Afrikaans
Frans Hinskens & Marc van Oostendorp Meertens Institute & VU Amsterdam/Meertens Institute & Radboud University Afrikaans tonic schwa. Many questions, few answers
Adri Breed & Daniël van Olmen North-West University & Lancaster University The passive as an impersonalisation strategy in Afrikaans
Ernst Kotzé & Adri Breed Nelson Mandela University & North-West University The interface of polarity, multiple negation and litotes in Afrikaans adjectives - some observations
Henning Radke Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam The Influence of Afrikaans on Namibian German in Computer-Mediated Communication
Dario Rens Universiteit Gent The optional use of ‘objective vir’ in informal Afrikaans
Laurette Pretorius & Laurette Marais UNISA The Computational Modelling of Afrikaans Negation in GF
Cecilia Erasmus North-West University Semantic change in overlapping Afrikaans modal auxiliaries
Jac Conradie Universiteit van Johannesburg The temporal sources of Afrikaans modal particles
Donovan C Lawrence University of the Western Cape Grammatical change in the written Afrikaans of teenagers
Andries W. Coetzee, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Nicholas Henriksen & Daan Wissing University of Michigan & North-West University Aspects of the phonetics and phonology of Patagonian Afrikaans
Cora Pots & Katherine Fraser KULeuven & University of the Basque Country Being progressive and evaluative: Comparing Afrikaans and Dutch progressive verb clusters
Benito Trollip & Ton van der Wouden North-West University, Potchefstroom & Meertens Institute, Amsterdam Adjectival/adverbial intensification constructions in Afrikaans, Dutch and German
Cora Pots & Liesbeth Augustinus KULeuven Try to account for this: The probeer/proberen construction continuum in Afrikaans and Dutch
Jacqueline van Kampen Utrecht University A-typical 2-3-1 orders in Afrikaans and Flemish: a learnability perspective
Benito Trollip North-West University Grammatography: Inventorying historical Afrikaans grammars
Liesbeth Augustinus & Peter Dirix KULeuven Moet dit nie breek nie! On verb cluster interruption in Afrikaans
Johanita Kirsten North-West University, Potchefstroom Future reference: some comparisons between different registers of Afrikaans



Thank you for your interest in the workshop. Please complete the online registration form to secure your participation.


Abstract submission deadline: May 6, 2018 at 23:59 pm South African time.
Notification of acceptance: June 5, 2018.
Workshop dates: October 5 and 6, 2018.

A limited number of travel bursaries are being made available for suitable post-graduate students or early-career academics.

  • Who qualifies? Local or international students who are currently registered in a master’s or PhD programme; academics who are employed as postdoctoral researchers; or academics who have earned a PhD in 2017 or 2018. Only candidates whose abstracts have been accepted for presentation at the workshop will be considered.
  • What does the travel bursary cover? Only actual travel and accommodation costs will be covered. The amount of a travel bursary will be determined by how many applications have been received.
  • When will I know whether my application was successful? As soon as possible after the programme has been finalised.
  • What is the final date for application?13 July, 2018
  • How do I apply? You have to submit your abstract first. You can then complete the online application form (or navigate on VivA’s website to Portale > Inligtingsportaal > Afrikaans Grammar Workshop). You also have to register for the workshop.

For enquiries, contact Marlie Coetzee on +27 72 749 2431, or send an email to Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees.


VivA bied elke twee jaar ʼn grammatikawerkwinkel aan waar navorsers en taalwerkers die geleentheid het om van nuwe navorsing oor en insigte in Afrikaans se grammatika kennis te neem.

Die vorige geleentheid het in Johannesburg plaasgevind, maar hierdie jaar se werkwinkel word aangebied om saam te val met die Gentse Kollokwium wat jaarliks deur die Universiteit Gent aangebied word. Navorsing oor en in Afrikaans word sodoende deel van die internasionale gesprek, en akademici van dwarsoor Europa kry die geleentheid om kennis te neem van nuwe verwikkelinge wat hier oor ʼn Dietse taal onderneem word.

Bekende Afrikaanse akademici soos Bertus van Rooy, Wannie Carstens, Gerhard van Huyssteen, Daan Wissing, Jac Conradie, Donovan Lawrence, Ernst Kotzé en Adri Breed sal by die geleentheid optree, terwyl verskeie jonger deelnemers ook die geleentheid sal hê om hulle navorsing internasionaal bekend te stel. Buitelandse aanbieders sluit in Cora Pots (KU Leuven), Ton van der Wouden (Meertens Instituut, Amsterdam), Jacqueline van Kampen (Utrecht Universiteit) en Dario Rens (Universiteit Gent).

Onderwerpe wat ter sprake sal kom, sluit in registerwisseling, grammatikale veranderinge in Tienerafrikaans, nasalering in sekere variëteite van Afrikaans, uitdagings wat vertaling van Nederlandse digkuns aan Afrikaansvertalers stel, intensiewe vorme in Afrikaans, Nederlands en Duits, en die kwessie van "aaklige woorde" wat nooit hulle gehate status moes gehad het nie.
Die kongres vind plaas op 5 en 6 Oktober en ʼn volledige program van die voordragte is hier beskikbaar: https://www.viva-afrikaans.org/portale/inligtingsportaal-reg/afrikaansewerkswinkel.

Gebruikers wat meer oor VivA te wete wil kom, kan aanteken by www.viva-afrikaans.org of met ons bestuurshoof, Marlie Coetzee, skakel by 072 749 2431 of by Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees..

This entry was posted on August 16, 2018

Call for papers

During the international conference, organized by the Ghent Centre for Afrikaans and the study of South Africa, there will be two separate branches of inquiry, as set out in the following summary. The two branches will be offered as parallel sessions during the colloquium, and both will cover the innovative research done, inter alia, at the Ghent University.

Afrikaans linguistics: Grammar
The linguistics component of the Ghent colloquium will also be the second presentation of the Afrikaans Grammar Workshop. The first workshop took place in Johannesburg in August 2016. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from varying theoretical and methodological backgrounds who study the grammar of Afrikaans. We welcome submissions on any aspect of Afrikaans grammar (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics), whether in comparison with Dutch, or any other related or unrelated languages. We also welcome submissions on the grammatical history of Afrikaans, and/or the current variation in grammar. The workshop is offered in collaboration with the Virtual Institute for Afrikaans (VivA), the University of Michigan and the Meertens Institute. The keynote speakers are Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge) and Bertus van Rooy (NWU). The working language will be English.

Afrikaans literature: cultural transfer in Afrikaans and Dutch.
The mediator is an important player in the inquiry into transnational and intercultural relationships between literatures. This player mediates between various language and cultural communities, and participates in more than just one place, and within more than just one system, in the literary discourse. The close relationship between Dutch and Afrikaans accounts for the different conceptualization of the bridge between these two communities, compared to what the classical mediators who work in more traditional language areas with less explicit ties would be used to. In the literary session the bridging function of role-players, and of texts and institutions such as magazines and publishers, will be covered. After more than a hundred years of contact between the literatures of Afrikaans and Dutch, it should be possible to point out many of these intermediating relationships. Crucial to that end, is the description of the role and functioning of literary mediation. Apart from the focus on (South) African, Dutch and Flemish writers, critics and academics, the session will acover the way in which texts from other polysystems (Afrikaans-Dutch) are received and processed. The institutions that play a role in the literary-transnational discourse between Afrikaans and Dutch, will also be investigated.

Oproep om referate

Tydens die internasionale kongres, wat deur die Gents Centrum voor het Afrikaans en de Studie van Zuid-Afrika gereël word, sal twee aparte ondersoekrigtings nagespeur word, soos hieronder in die opsomming uiteengesit. Die twee rigtings sal tydens die kollokwium parallel loop, en albei dek die innoverende navorsingswerk waarmee daar onder andere aan die Universiteit Gent gewoeker word.

Afrikaanse taalkunde: grammatika
Die taalkundekomponent van die Gentse kollokwium is ook die tweede aanbieding van die Afrikaans Grammar Workshop [Afrikaansgrammatikawerkwinkel]. Die eerste hiervan het in Augustus 2016 in Johannesburg plaasgevind. Die oogmerk van die werkwinkel is om ondersoekers byeen te bring wat uit verskillende teoretiese en metodologiese invalshoeke studies oor die grammatika van Afrikaans onderneem. Ons verwelkom bydraes oor enige aspek van die Afrikaanse grammatika (fonologie, morfologie, sintaksis, semantiek, pragmatiek), hetsy in vergelyking met Nederlands, of ander verwante of onverwante tale. Ons verwelkom eweneens bydraes oor die grammatikale geskiedenis van Afrikaans en/of oor hedendaagse variasie in die grammatika. Die werkwinkel word aangebied in samewerking met die Virtuele Instituut vir Afrikaans (VivA), die University of Michigan en die Meertens Instituut. Die hoofsprekers is Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge) en Bertus Van Rooy (NWU). Die werkstaal is Engels.

Afrikaanse letterkunde: kultuuroodrag in Afrikaans en Nederlands
'n Belangrike rolspeler in die ondersoek na die transnasionale en interkulturele verhoudings tussen literature, is die bemiddelaar. Dié onderhandel tussen verskillende taal- en/of kultuurgemeenskappe, en neem op meer as één plek, en binne meer as één stelsel, deel aan die literêre gesprek. Die bloedverband tussen Afrikaans en Nederlands dra by daartoe dat die brug ietwat anders gekonsipieer is as wat die geval is vir meer tradisionele bemiddelaars wat in taalgebiede met 'n losser verband werk. In die letterkundesessie kom die brugfunksie van rolspelers, en van tekste en institusies soos tydskrifte en uitgewers aan bod. In die verloop van meer as ʼn eeu se kontak tussen die Afrikaanse en Nederlandse literatuur, kan baie van hierdie intermediërende verhoudings aangedui word. Ten einde so ʼn ondersoek te onderneem, moet die rol en funksionering van literêre bemiddeling beskryf word. Naas die fokus op (Suid-)Afrikaanse, Nederlandse en Vlaamse skrywers, kritici en akademici, word daar in die sessie ook aandag gegee aan hoe tekste uit ander literêre polisisteme (Afrikaans-Nederlands) ontvang en verwerk word. Die inrigtings wat in die literêr-transnasionale gesprek tussen Afrikaans en Nederlands ʼn rol speel, sal ook te berde kom.

This entry was posted on June 5, 2018.


Every year the Ghent Centre for Afrikaans organizes a colloquium featuring a linguistics and literary component.

Colloquium 2018

It has come to our attention that some of our South African colleagues have expressed concern about the fact that, English will be used as the medium of communication for the linguistics component of the colloquium in Ghent this year. We would like to emphasize that this does not represent a fundamental shift in our position, and that it was never our intention to hereafter host the linguistics component of the Ghent colloquium in English. As was indicated explicitly in the call sent out a few weeks ago, this 2018 meeting is an extraordinary gathering. The Ghent Centre has been offered the opportunity to host the second Afrikaans Grammar Workshop (AGW) in Ghent, which will be integrated into the colloquium. The AGW is a new, yet valuable initiative aimed at the internationalization of the study of the grammar of Afrikaans. The previous meeting was held in Johannesburg in 2016, and it was also presented in English in order to offer linguists from six countries, with a shared interest in Afrikaans as a field of study the opportunity to participate. The members of the Ghent Centre are convinced that such initiatives serve to broaden the interest in and the knowledge of Afrikaans, and have therefore welcomed the opportunity to host the AGW2 in Ghent. We hope to use this as a means to attract a partially new public to the activities of the Centre this year. There are, without a doubt, researchers here in the Low Countries as well as in other parts of the world, who are interested in the grammar of Afrikaans, but who are not proficient enough to attend scientific lectures offered in Afrikaans or Dutch, let alone present a paper in these languages.

The Ghent Centre has worked hard to encourage interest in Afrikaans and to offer a European platform for the study of Afrikaans linguistics and literature – and we hope to be doing so well into the future. At the same time, we do reserve the right to determine, on our honour and our conscience, the languages in which the diverse scientific activities that we organize will be presented, while taking into account our aims and the needs of the public we aim to attract. The medium for the colloquium is, and will remain, Dutch and Afrikaans, but when circumstances demand it, we must be able to offer the colloquium in English – or whatever other language is deemed appropriate. We hope that this explanation will allay the fears of some of the associates of the Centre. We are very much looking forward to the next meeting of the colloquium.


Elke jaar organiseer die Gents Centrum voor Afrikaans 'n kollokwium met 'n taalkunde- en 'n letterkundekomponent.

Kollokwium 2018

Ons het verneem dat daar by sommige Suid-Afrikaanse kollegas ʼn onrustigheid is oor die feit dat die voertaal van die taalkundekomponent van die Gentse kollokwium hierdie jaar Engels sal wees. Ons wil dit benadruk dat dit glad nie op 'n fundamentele koersverandering dui nie, en dat dit geensins ons bedoeling is om die taalkundedeel van die Gentse kollokwium voortaan vanuit die staanspoor in Engels aan te bied nie. Hierdie 2018-byeenkoms is, soos reeds uitdruklik gemeld in die oproep wat 'n paar weke gelede uitgestuur is, ʼn buitengewone byeenkoms. Die Gents Centrum het die geleentheid gekry om die tweede Afrikaans Grammar Workshop (AGW) in Gent aan te bied, wat deel van die kollokwium sal uitmaak. Die AGW is 'n nuwe, maar waardevolle inisiatief, wat uiteindelik gerig is op die internasionalisering van die studie van die Afrikaanse grammatika: Die vorige byeenkoms het in 2016 in Johannesburg plaasgevind, en is ook in Engels aangebied sodat taalkundiges uit ses verskillende lande met 'n gedeelde belangstelling in Afrikaans as studieveld daaraan kon deelneem Die lede van die Gents Centrum is daarvan oortuig dat sulke inisiatiewe bydra om die belangstelling in en kennis van Afrikaans te bevorder, en het derhalwe die geleentheid om die AGW2 in Gent aan te bied met dankbaarheid aangegryp. Op hierdie wyse hoop ons om hierdie jaar ook 'n gedeeltelik nuwe publiek by die Centrum se aktiwiteite te betrek: Daar is in sowel die Lae Lande as in ander dele van die wêreld gewis navorsers wat opreg geïnteresseerd is in Afrikaanse grammatika, maar nie Afrikaans en/of Nederlands voldoende beheers om wetenskaplike lesings in die tale behoorlik te verstaan nie, laat staan nog om self 'n lesing in Afrikaans of Nederlands aan te bied.

Die Gents Centrum het reeds heelwat moeite gedoen om belangstelling in Afrikaans te bevorder en aan die studie van Afrikaanse taal- en letterkunde 'n Europese platform te bied – en ons hoop om dit nog vir baie jare te kan doen. Terselfdertyd behou ons ons die reg voor om self, op ons eer en gewete, te beslis in watter tale die uiteenlopende wetenskaplike aktiviteite wat ons organiseer, aangebied gaan word, met die doelstellings daarvan en met die beoogde publiek deeglik in ag geneem. Die voertale is steeds Nederlands en Afrikaans, en dit sal in die toekoms so bly, maar as die omstandighede dit regverdig, moet dit ook in Engels kan plaasvind – of in welke ander taal ook al.

Ons hoop dat hierdie toeligting die besorgdheid by sommige van die genote van die Centrum ietwat kan temper, en ons sien reeds baie uit na die volgende aanbieding van ons kollokwium.

This entry was posted on February 28, 2018.

1st AGW 2016

1st International Afrikaans Grammar Workshop (AGW 2016)
25-26 August, 2016| Johannesburg, South Africa


Afrikaans Grammar: Descriptive and Theoretical Perspectives | Johannesburg, South Africa

The interest in the workshop has surpassed our expectations! We have reached the limit of the number participants that can be accommodated at the venue, and we can therefore unfortunately no longer accept additional registration or participants. Hope to see you at the next workshop in a year or two!


Afrikaans is unique among the Germanic languages in several ways: Notably, it is the only language of the Germanic family that originated outside of Europe and that is spoken primarily in Africa. Due to the unique historical context in which Afrikaans developed, it has grammatical features setting it apart from the rest of the Germanic family. Afrikaans is also the first language of over seven million people and the third largest language in South Africa.

In spite of its uniqueness and the size of the Afrikaans speech community, Afrikaans is relatively understudied and underdescribed from the perspective of theoretical linguistics. This workshop seeks to address the paucity of descriptive and theoretical studies of Afrikaans in contemporary linguistics by bringing together scholars who work on any aspect of Afrikaans grammar for a two day workshop. We welcome contributions on any aspect of Afrikaans grammar, from both a descriptive and theoretical perspective. Also welcome are contributions of a more comparative nature, focusing on the relationship between Afrikaans and her sister languages (Dutch, Frisian, etc.).

Contact the organizers at Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees. if you any questions.

Hope to see many of you in Johannesburg in August 2016!

Plenary speakers
Jac Conradie, University of Johannesburg
Frans Hinskens, Meertens Instituut

Organizing Committee
Andries Coetzee (University of Michigan and North-West University, South Africa)
Gerhard van Huyssteen (VivA and North-West University, South Africa)

Local Organizing Committee
Gerhard van Huyssteen (VivA and NWU) and Marlie Coetzee (VivA and NWU) are taking care of the local organization for the workshop. Please contact Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees. with questions about the local organization or logistics.


The program is now final, and we don’t expect any additional change to be made to it. See you all soon!


10:00 - 10:30 Registration    
10:30 - 11:30 Plenary: Frans Hinskens The Afrikaans reduction of medial voiced obstruents: determinants, rule typology and origin PDF
11:30 - 12:05 Nina Brink Afrikaans speaking children’s first form-meaning mappings PDF
12:05 - 12:40 Michelle White, Kate Huddlestone & Roeline Bastiaanse The comprehension of negation in the L1 acquisition of Afrikaans PDF
Lunch Break
2:00 - 2:35 René Backhouse, Johan Oosthuizen Casting some ‘light’ on small clauses in Afrikaans PDF
2:35 - 3:10 Timothy Colleman, Gerhard van Huyssteen, Arie Verhagen A constructionist account of the weg-construction(s) of Afrikaans PDF
3:30 - 4:05 Daan Wissing Afrikaans on the move: evidence from its word stress formation PDF
4:05 - 4:40 Andrew Lamont The small matter of the Afrikaans diminutive PDF
4:40 - 5:15 Andreas Baumann Stabilizing determinants in the transmission of phonotactic systems: on the emergence of the Afrikaans consonant-cluster inventory PDF
8:45 - 9:20 Dario Rens The anticausative prominence in Afrikaans PDF
9:20 - 9:55 Daniel Van Olmen, Adri Breed, Ben Verhoeven A typological and questionnaire-based approach to the human impersonal pronouns in Afrikaans PDF
9:55 - 10:30 Bertus van Rooy, Haidee Kruger Syntactic variation in direct and indirect speech constructions PDF
10:45 - 11:45 Plenary: Jac Conradie Where is ‘het’ heading? PDF
11:45 - 12:20 Ernst Kotzé Complementation and modification patterns in adjectives: a comparison of Afrikaans and Dutch PDF
Lunch Break
1:45 - 2:20 Yolandi Ribbens-Klein Acoustic explorations towards a sociophonetics of Afrikaans /r/ variation PDF
2:20 - 2:55 Andries W. Coetzee, Patrice Beddor, Dominique Bouavichith, Justin Craft, Daan Wissing Tone and plosive voicing in Afrikaans: an imbalanced system of contrast PDF
2:55 - 3:30 Johanita Kirsten Mens moet maar aanpas – Recent changes in Afrikaans generic pronoun use PDF
3:45 - 4:20 Benito Trollip, Frans Hinskens The linking element in Afrikaans compounds: testing the effects of cognitive and formal determinants PDF
4:20 - 4:55 Gerhard van Huyssteen Multiword proper names in compounds and derivations: Towards a morphographemic model of choice PDF

Thank you for your interest in the workshop. Unfortunately, we have reached the capacity of the number of people we can accommodate, and can therefore no longer accept additonal registration or participation.

Abstract submission deadline: June 15, 2016 at 23:59 pm South African time.
Notification of acceptance: July 1, 2016.
Workshop dates: August 25 and 26, 2016.


The workshop will take place at the OR Tambo Protea Hotel. This hotel is conveniently located at the OR Tambo International Airport, making travel easy for participants coming from abroad or other parts of South Africa.

Local Organizing Committee

Marlie Coetzee (VivA and NWU)
Gerhard van Huyssteen (VivA and NWU)

Please contact Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees. with any questions about the logistics and local organization.

A limited number of travel bursaries are being made available for suitable post-graduate students or early-career academics.

  • Who qualifies? Local or international students who are currently registered in a master’s or PhD program; academics who are employed as postdoctoral researchers; or academics who have earned a PhD in 2015 or 2016. Only candidates whose abstracts have been accepted for presentation at the workshop will be considered.
  • What does the travel bursary cover? Only actual travel and accommodation costs will be covered.For international candidates a maximum of R20,000 applies; for local candidates a maximum of R6,000 applies.
  • When will I know whether my application was successful? As soon as possible after the program has been finalised, but not later than July 25, 2016.
  • What is the final date for application? June 15, 2016
  • How do I apply? You have to submit your abstract first, following the procedure described here. You can then complete the online application form here (or navigate on VivA’s website to Portale > Inligtingsportaal > Grammatikawerkswinkel). You also have to register for the workshop here.

For enquiries, contact Marlie Coetzee on +27 18 299 1020, or send an email to Hierdie e-posadres word van Spambotte beskerm. Jy moet JavaScript ontsper om dit te lees..


See you all soon in Johannesburg!

Dear participants,

Thank you so much for your participation in this workshop! Everything is ready and in place now, and we are looking forward to two days of exciting and interesting discussions about Afrikaans. See you all in just a few days.

Don’t hesitate to contact Marlie Coetzee if you have any questions.

The Organizers.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized on August 21, 2016.



Preliminary program available

A preliminary program for the workshop is now available under the “Program” tab at the top of the page. Plenary presentations have been allotted an hour (including questions), and all other presentations 35 minutes (including questions).

This entry was posted in Uncategorized on July 8, 2016.



Plenary speakers confirmed

We are pleased to announce that we have confirmed two plenary speakers for the workshop. Both of them are first rate linguists who have produced important research on Afrikaans and Dutch.

Jac Conradie, University of Johannesburg
Frans Hinskens, Meertens Instituut

This entry was posted in Uncategorized on June 13, 2016.



We are back on!

We are very happy to report that the workshop in back on! As we had reported earlier, we had to cancel our plans for a workshop in Amsterdam this year. With the help of the staff at VivA, however, we have been able to move the workshop to Johannesburg for this year. Other than the location, the rest of the plans remain the same. We’re hoping to have a follow-up workshop in Amsterdam in the near future.

We apologize for the complications caused by the change in venue, but we hope to see many of you in Johannesburg in August!

This entry was posted in Uncategorized on April 26, 2016.